So Long 2017

January 01, 2018

'Nothing goes away. Not on its own. You deal with it, or it deals with you.' - Jonathan Safran Foer, Here I Am

This past year has been one of the biggest learning curves for me, I have had my heart broken, I have moved away from home, I have grown as a creator and watched my friends achieve incredible things to name a few of the things that have happened in the last twelve months of my life.

When I was reading a book my stepfather got me for Christmas I came across this quote and it really got me thinking about the way I want to approach my new year. Everyone knows the phrase 'new year new me' but nobody ever really thinks about the full extent of which this means, yes they are changing something about themselves but in doing this it means they are changing their surroundings and their lives in some way or another too.

I have been thinking a lot about what I want to achieve in 2018 and how I can get there, but I also realised that this means I am going to have to tackle the ghosts of my past that seem to enjoy coming back to haunt me every now and then. It means moving on from toxic relationships and friendships, blocking these people and leaving them behind to be able to live my best life without them being something that hinders my process.

One of the main things blog wise that I really want to achieve is posting three of four posts a week, I adored doing blogmas (despite stopping once I went home for the holidays in order to spend time with my family and friends) and really want to get more content out consistently while also contributing to be challenging myself. I also really want to begin to venture into being self hosted and convert to WordPress as these are things I feel will help my blog grow. A lot of people have begun to tell me that they see me to be an 'older sister' figure which is something I appreciate so much to know that I am able to support and help others and I want to carry this on with the realness of my blog in the next year.

Back to the initial point of this post though, while we are all desperate for fresh starts and leaving things in the past it is important to close things off first. Give closure to others where you are in need of delivering it and seek closure from those who owe it to you - move on once you have this closure and keep moving forwards. No future is possible without the past having happened, it will always be part of you and you need to find a way to learn to live with it without it coming back to bite you.

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