Every new year I compile a set of resolutions and goals that I want to achieve throughout the upcoming year. Some of them I manage to achieve and others I don’t, I thought it would make a nice post for me to write about my resolutions and then perhaps at the end of the year be able to do a post in which I look back at my goals and see what I achieved.
- Have a consistent blog upload schedule and stick to it. As you can probably tell this year has been very stop and start for my blog, I want to ensure that I don’t abandon it too much this year and have a lot of exciting posts planned.
- Experiment with and review more makeup. Over the past few months my makeup collection has rapidly increased in size and will hopefully continue to grow, however I want to learn to use the products that I already have to their full potential too.
- Save up enough money to get a macbook. Currently I am using an Advent laptop that I got about six years ago, I think it's about time for an upgrade.
- Start a YouTube channel. I have been saying this for the longest time and I really hope that 2016 is the year I finally get my shit together and begin one.
- Get good AS level grades and a decent work experience placement, at the moment there is speak of working with Warner Brothers but who knows what will happen.
- See Sammi more. For those of you who don't know Sammi is my best friend who lives up in Manchester which is hard for me to get to when I like in Kent, I want to take as many chances as I can to get to see her in 2016.
- Meet a bunch of creatives who inspire me and potentially collab with some of them (a girl can dream, right?). There are so many people that I have had the chance to meet over this year that for some reason or another it just hasn't happened, I'm determined to meet them in 2016 though.
Those were my new year resolutions, let me know yours and whether we have any of the same or similar ones. Thank you so much for reading and supporting me throughout 2015, see you all next year.
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