Getting Through Heartbreak 101

June 16, 2017

Going from having someone that you can turn to and talk about everything with to having them sliced from your life is something that never gets easier, no matter how many times it happens to you. Giving someone your all and having them tell you that you weren't enough, or that you were too much, can leave you broken in more ways than one. I’m still healing my heart but with this said I thought it would benefit at least one person to write about how I have worked on myself over the past few months and in turn healed.

The first and most important thing is muting them on social media, or even deleting them if you want to do that. Hide them from your life, you don’t need to see the things they are doing anymore. You don't need to see how much their life is still working without you while you're left broken. Remind yourself that people only share the best parts of their life on social media, they may be just as hurt as you but it is unlikely that they would share it online. With having them muted you don't have to see them and you are able to take steps into bettering yourself without being concerned about how they are doing.

Having a support system of people that you can turn to is so important, you are going to feel so lonely without the person that you loved but remind yourself that there are so so many people who still love and care for you, even if that one person doesn't anymore. Reach out to friends and make plans with them, have movie nights, go out for ice cream, make plans and keep yourself busy. Also remember that there is nothing quite like the love of your mother, their hugs are powerful.

Listen to music, the great thing about music is there is something for every single emotion; Lucy Moon described this best in her albums to get you through your heartbreak video. If you want to sit and feel sorry for yourself then put on some Keaton Henson or Bon Iver and sob your heart out. If you want to be angry at someone then put on some Halsey, Kanye or Blackbear (also Lemonade by Beyonce is a killer album to get you through all the emotions of heartbreak). An honourable mention goes to Taylor Swift who's catalogue of music stretches from angry heartbreak to sitting on your floor wearing their clothes trying to be something they miss, this woman has it all.

Social events can be great too, but try to make sure that the person or those that you strongly associate with them won’t be there. I’ve been to parties where my exes best friend has turned up and all I’ve wanted to do is sit in a corner crying because it reminded me of him too much, which as pathetic as it sounds when the heartbreak is raw it can hurt so much. Get your friends together and go out somewhere, go to gigs, surround yourself with people that love the same shit as you. I cannot stress how much going to gigs has helped me grow as a person and get through my heartaches, they make you forget everything even if it is just for a couple of hours.

Avoid places that you know they are going to be, if you take anything from this then please let it be this tip. Don’t go into their workplace and make things awkward for the both of you, I don't care if they sell the best toffee lattes at a reasonable price go and find somewhere else to get your caffeine fix. Maybe even make an agreement where the two of you will completely avoid each others places of work, at least just for the time frame of you getting over this.

Start a project, do something that will keep your mind off the shit thats going on, or use the shit in your mind to create things. Whatever helps keep you busy and stops you reaching for your phone at three am when you feel lonely. For me this was my lovers dictionary series, it helped me to conclude that part of my life as it wasn't properly concluded for me and once I had finished the project I forced myself to shut that part of my life out.

Remember that your emotions are valid and important, don't feel bad for having days where you miss them. Of course this is going to happen, just remember to talk about your emotions and try your hardest not to bottle them up. Write them down, call a friend, cry to your mum, do whatever helps you heal.

Give yourself time, time really does heal all. It just sometimes takes a hell of a lot longer than you would like for the healing to begin, which is where the other aspects of this post come into play. Remember that everyone breaks differently, so everyone heals differently. There might be ten people that are heartbroken in the same room but they won’t have experienced the same heartbreak as you. That doesn't make yours any less valid but it means that you shouldn't compare how they are coping to how you are coping.

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