
April 24, 2016

Most of my Twitter followers are fully aware of the huge infatuation that I have towards poetry over the past few weeks I have been posting several of my favourite pieces so that other people can appreciate them as much as I do. When I was about ten years old my uncle got me a poetry book and me being the child that I was I didn't much care for it and placed it aside for the Hannah Montana dolls that I had been preoccupied by previously. It was around the age of thirteen that I decided to pick it up and read it properly , there were some of the poems that I decided I really wanted to learn to be able to recite. I think this is when I began to grow and develop the passion that I have for poetry.

Five years later and I have read more poems than I can count, there isn't a single day that goes by when I don’t read a poem or write something myself. Poetry has become such a huge part of who I am as a person, I feel as though without it I would see the world in quite a different perspective the way that I do. Because of my love for writing and poetry I have the mindset in which whenever I go through something that is particularly hard that I can turn it into something, whether it is a poem or a piece of art. Having an outlet is so important and I feel as though this is why I love poetry so much.

There are a huge amount of poets and creators that I look up to and admire for the work that they create and I feel as though it is only right to share some of them with you in the hopes that perhaps you will look into their work and fall in love with it as much as I have.

The first is Lang Leav, she has such a way with words in which it makes you feel as though you are at home while reading her work. She has a collection of books, my favourite being Love and Misadventure which, in my opinion, is one of the most magical and captivating books I have ever come across. The poem that I am going to share with you from this is one that really struck me, I have shared it on Twitter before as I feel it resembles Lang as a poet so wonderfully. This piece is called Lost Things.

Next I really want to share with you one of my biggest inspirations, not only does she write poetry and is currently working on her own book but she also writes a monthly column for one of my favourite magazines (Local Wolves). This is Orion Carloto, everything she writes is like gold dust, it screams Orion. There is no way describe her style, it is hers and she owns it, one of my favourite pieces that she has shared with the internet comes from her tumblr page and is from her 4AM thoughts section.
The final poet that am going to share with you is one in which I am completely in love with is Dottie James, she has such a way with words that is quite unlike anything I've come across before. She posts YouTube videos where she shares her poetry in an incredibly artsy and aesthetically pleasing way. Dottie has an aura about her that is pretty indescribable but if you watch one of her videos you will understand what I mean and this aura spreads itself into everything she does, including her poetry. One of my absolute favourite pieces by her is Reach for Me.

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