Seventeen Things For Seventeen Years

June 30, 2016

Today I turn seventeen years old and I thought I would create a post on the seventeen things that I have learnt in the past seventeen years.

1) Concerts are incredible. There is something so safe and homey in being in a room filled with people who love the same music as you, go to as many shows as possible and don't let anyone tell you that you go to too many.

2) Meeting your idols is such an incredible thing, especially when you have been waiting for years for the chance to do so.

3) Your heart may get hurt, and it may get broken but you will be okay. Just remember to surround yourself with people who love you and care about you.

4) Poetry cures everything (and so do cosy sweaters and fruit teas).

5) Reeses Cup's are the best snack foods to exist, there is no question about this.

6) Makeup is so fun, it is literally like putting art onto your face everyday and there are so many wonderful things to create. It's also so fun to watch your skills grow and learn new techniques.

7) Not everyone is going to like you, just as you aren't going to like everyone. That's okay, just remember that you do have an accumulation of friends who do like you for who you are.

8) You are worth more than broken promises and people who ask you to shrink to fit in.

9) Happiness comes in bouts, cherish it and remember that even when it leaves it will eventually return.

10) The city is the best place in the world.

11) It's okay to be selfish every now and then, make sure that you are looking after yourself as much as you are looking out for everyone else.

12) Sometimes you will become friends with the people that you least expect to, don't question it. Just enjoy their company.

13) You aren't going to achieve anything without working for it.

14) Music is incredible, you are going to come across bands and songs that save your life and resonate within you for a long time. Just wait, you will find that band.

15) Capture every moment in photographs, you can never take too many pictures.

16) Make time to see the people who are important to you, travel hours to see them for a day, book trains and get buses to different places. Cherish the time with those who you might not be able to see too often.

17) Skype and Facetime are a blessing.

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