New Years Resolutions - 2017

January 01, 2017

Last year I wrote a little blog post where I complied a few of my new years resolutions and I thought it might be nice for me to write another one where I talk about my goals for this upcoming year. This year I want to do it a little differently, I came across a template on tumblr where it discusses 'this year I will' and has a range of sub categories which encourages me to think about things more widely.

This Year I Will:

Begin to travel more. I intend to go and see a lot of my friends that live across the country and also see my mum more.

Learn to drive, I guess this will help with my traveling and also means I will have to stop getting the bus everywhere.

Help the people I love when they need it, becoming more selfless is something that I really need.

Go to more gigs (not that I needed to make that a resolution, we all know I will do it anyway).

Organize to see the people I love more often, this year went by without me seeing my mum and brothers due to the hecticness that was going on, however I want to see them as much as possible.

Teach myself a foreign language (or at least try??).

Enjoy things more, start living in the moment and stop worrying about the consequences of things so much.

Read more poetry and generally expand my poetry book collection, as well as reading the Kurt Cobain journal book which I have been dying to read for the longest time.

Create more, in general just create. I am going to write more and paint more and take more photos and do more sketches and pour my heart into creating - this is going to be the year of my art.

Give thought out and heartfelt gifts, I am going to stop worrying about how much things 'cost' and show the people I love that I care about them. I know gifts aren't everything but when you have a job it is nice to be able to show the people you love that all they do doesn't go unnoticed.

Prepare for uni, although I am taking a gap year I want to be prepared for when I go. I'm going to start saving money so I don't have to fall back on my student loan as much as I may need to.

Inspire others - hopefully, at least.

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