music is something that i hold such a deep love for, meaning that i hold certain songs immensely close to my heart. in this post i thought i would share a few of the ones that have shaped me as a person and ultimately lead me to be who i am today.
fix you - coldplay. this wouldn't be a post by me without a mention to this song, the one that has been a constant source of safety for about twelve years now. everyone has their reasons behind loving this song and everyone's reasons are valid and beautiful. it holds so much meaning to me, so much love and power. i remember being in an assembly in year 3 and it coming on and just singing along while crying, ten years on in year 13 i was sat watching ariana grande’s benefit concert and seeing them preform it live and sobbing and singing along in the exact same way my seven year old self did.
102 - matty healy. this was, and honestly still is, a song that i relate to one of my ‘exes’ but the importance it holds to me will never lessen. there’s a lyric/verse in it that goes ‘on this shirt i found your smell and i just sat there for ages contemplating what to do with myself’ and it just reminds me of everything that heartbreak entails. it reminds me of sitting in my exes shirt and sobbing on the floor, it reminds me of my him playing it for me on his guitar that i swear he loved more than me. it reminds me of the mess of 2016 but also the joy of that year brought with it. this song holds immense importance to me. most people make wishes at 11:11, but i make mine at 1:02am.
long live - taylor swift. picking one taylor song out of all of my favourites was fucking hard, but this is the one that i seem to come back to time and time again. the song that as i finished my education and breathed a final sigh of relief i found myself thinking of. all of taylor’s lyrics are real and true and wonderful. i love this woman. (honourable mentions go to i almost do, last kiss, dear john, sad beautiful tragic, and tim mcgraw)
goodnight moon - go radio. i don't know what to say about this song other than it's the cutest shit ever and made me want to love in the way thats described here. go listen.
guns for hands - twenty øne piløts. i still remember hearing this song properly for the first time, it was the one that lead me to adore this band in the way that i do. this was the song that made me feel safe and less alone for the longest time, the lyrics (as with every tøp song) are so real, so raw and so honest. even if you don’t particularly like the band please give this song a chance.
nightingale - demi lovato. the general basis behind this song is demi’s friend took his life when she was younger, she feels his presence everywhere and it is ultimately about the love she felt for him. yet for me this song gave me inspiration again, it was the song i forced myself to learn on piano for hours on end despite my dad's constant pleas for me to stop making such a racket at 3am, it was the song that brought love into my heart again and it somehow made me feel more normal and okay. for anyone who's lost anyone, whether it be through death or even heartbreak i can almost guarantee that this song will resonate within you.
stephen - brayton bowman. as far as i can remember i found this through tyler oakley and it the breakup song of all breakup songs. listen to the fucking lyrics and listen hard.
small hands - keaton henson. this man, holy shit this man. he is everything to me. he is the music i turn to when my heart needs healing and he always seems to create new music when my heart is in need of this. if this song isn’t one of your favourites then you're doing life wrong.
razor - foo fighters. another song i relate to an ex, another song that breaks me wholeheartedly. i went through a phase of listening to this song on repeat for hours a few summers back, it made me feel so calm and reminded me i was alive.
friends - ed sheeran. i promised myself i wouldn't put ed on this playlist and make it like every other playlist i’ve created but i guess there’s a reason he’s on so many of my playlists. this song is everything to me, it hits home in ways i didn't even think a song could.
isabel - the wombats. if you know why, you know why.
the boy who blocked his own shot - brand new. some real emo shit here, everything about this song is wonderful and the atmosphere it creates is almost haunting. this band has the ability to make me feel nostalgia for things that haven't even happened to me. that’s talent right there.
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