Back in 2012 finding new creators was one of the easiest things to do, however five years on YouTube and other sites algorithms work to benefit those that bring them in the most income. For this reason it’s harder than ever for small creators to get their names out there and be discovered, this is the same for a lot of platforms - not just YouTube. Therefore I thought that I would put together a little post where I talk about my favourite smaller creators, whether they are artists, youtubers, bloggers, writers or lie anywhere else in the creative industry I will give them a share.
EM JS - I may be biased because she is my best friend but everything that this little lady makes is like gold dust to me. She creates monthly vlogs which I often see her hard at work editing for hours on end, getting stupidly stressed at the speed of which her laptop works at. These videos are wonderful and I love them with my whole heart. She will also sit and talk to a camera about issues that she sees as important to be discussed, she is so young and yet she puts her thoughts together in such an intellectual and educated manner, I am so proud to call her my friend and highly recommend her channel.
NIAMH DUFFY - Niamh is a vlogger who has spent a vast majority of her teenage years on the internet, she has seen the rise and fall of different youtubers and has finally made her own channel. Her energy and charisma is something that I love about her videos, you can clearly see how much she loves being in front of the camera and creating and it makes you love her videos even more.
AMI LEAH - I’ve known Ami for over a year now and having watched her content develop over the time has been so wonderful. Though she doesn’t post completely regularly when she does the posts are so well composed and thought out, everything about her site is so pretty and just generally Ami. I hugely recommend that you give her blog a read.
LUCY MOON - Let’s be real here, Lucy definitely isn’t a small creator however her blog is probably one of her smaller platforms in comparison to the quickly growing following that she is gaining on YouTube (which is so deserved, her videos are fab). Lucy’s blog is a place for her to discuss things which perhaps wouldn’t fit into the video format, though still sticking to her ‘older sister’ style and speaking about life experiences and being as honest as she can about the topic she is writing about. Not only this but she beautifully articulates her views which makes everything about her blog all the more wonderful.
ALEX FLORES - Alex is easily one of the loveliest creatives that I know (he does also run a blog) but I love his art way too much for me not to give it a mention. The care and dedication that he puts into it is so visible and I am so happy to see him succeeding and getting noticed for the effort that he puts into his work.
HEATHER AMENDOLA - I love Heather’s style of art, it is so wonderful and always leaves me so inspired to want to create (although nothing I do seems to compare to hers). She has worked with pop-punk/emo bands like Real Friends on merch collaborations and it is so wonderful to see people recognising her work as something that they would want.
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