10 Places I Want To Travel To

January 12, 2018

I love travelling, getting out of the place I grow to detest over time and exploring a new place with fresh eyes for even a small period really leads me to appreciate the beauty of the world. Though I am going to uni and I will be a broke student I thought it would be cool to think of some places that I really want to visit within the next ten years.

1) Barcelona - Spain

My friends and I are planning a trip here for this summer and I really hope it works out as there is nobody that I would rather explore the city with. Beaches and cities are my favourite places to holiday and so a combination of the two is perfect in my eyes!

2) Sicily - Italy

Growing up I had a friend with Italian heritage and she would always be going over to Italy to visit her family in the summers, it looked like she was having the best time and I want nothing more than to experience this too!

3) Vancouver - Canada

If you're aware of anything about my summer last year it will probably be that I spent a lot of it with friends and surprised one of my best friends Kate a couple of times while she was over visiting from Canada. Her and her sister are two of the loveliest people and I plan to just rock up at their house one day and take the surprising them to a next level.

4) New York - USA

Mum and I have always joked that if we win the lottery we would head over to New York for a long weekend and watch a broadway show and spend abundances of money in stores. This is something that I will always have to do on my bucket list and I also kind of hope that one day I have a sustainable enough income to surprise her with a visit to the city we both so desperately want to visit!

5) Edinburgh - Scotland

Purely for my inner Harry Potter nerd, I want to go to the Elephant House which is a famous cafe for writers (yes, I'm one of those people) and is where Rowling spent a lot of her time writing for her series. I also want to see the castle and do a heap of tourist things, I'm hoping to get there pretty soon!

7&8) Sydney and Perth - Australia

Australia has been the one place that I have always always had a desire to travel to and when my best friend spent a month over there last year it only encouraged me to want to go even more. This will be a pricey trip but will be something that I know will be so worthwhile and enjoyable. I'm also a sucker for the aussie accent meaning that I would be in my element the entire time I am over there, it's a win win really.

9) Auckland - New Zealand

Everyone always talks about how the Kiwi way of life is the best way of life and there is a huge part of me that wants to experience that! One of my bosses is a kiwi and she is the loveliest perso I have ever met who encourages me to go whenever I get the chance; when my family were visiting from New Zealand last year it only lead me to want to go over more, they have nothing but love for that place and in comparison to the smally and run down town I am from this seems like such a perfect escape (and again with the accents, I'm down for this).

10) Iceland

I don't have a set place in Iceland that I want to visit but I would love to be able to see The Northern Lights in their full glory and this is one of the best places to do so.

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