As I mentioned in my Films I've Been Loving post I watched Spike Island and a huge part of its soundtrack comes from the Stone Roses' discography. For this reason I have completely fallen in love with their music, and the song I Am The Resurrection in particular. The song is so chill and reminds me of one of my favourite scenes in the film where everyone is stood outside the venue in which the gig is taking place and the band is playing this song, they are all dancing and having the time of their lives. It just makes me so happy to have found.
Though I have loved Loyle Carner's work for a good while now I've never really looked further than the EP's and Albums he has released, however I decided to go onto the 'appears on' part of his Spotify and found one of my new favourite songs. Nightgowns by Tom Misch and Loyle Carner is an absolute tune and so chill to listen to at the end of a busy day.
I'm the kind of person that will screenshot people's Instagram stories whenever they put up music and forget about it for months then go through and binge listen to all of the screen shots. This month I found SWMRS - Miss Yer Kiss and fell in love with it, it's so catchy and fun.
Last month one of my favourite female vocalists Bea Miller released her newest album Aurora and it ended up being my in flight soundtrack while I was going to and from Amsterdam at the beginning of this month. This album is so empowering, it tells the story of losing someone to learning to love and appreciate yourself without them, Motherlove, Bored, and Girlfriend have become some of my most listened to songs this month.
Along with the new album releases we have Vance Joy who dropped his album Nation of Two which I instantly fell in love with. His ability to narrate a story throughout his lyrics which encompass into something even bigger throughout the album is something that will never fail to amaze me. You're given some wonderful lyrics and Vance's pretty voice, what more could you want? My favourites off the abum are Bonnie and Clyde, Call If You Need Me, and Take Your Time.
Nina Nesbitt has released a Spotify Sessions single called Psychopath and oh my god I haven't stopped listening to it since it came out (though as I write this part is literally only came out today). It's so good, so empowering and so catchy.
Like I mentioned last month I have been trying to get back into Soundcloud and after the lovely Coldway got in touch with me to promote his music it gave me even more of a reason to dive back into the site. His newest single Pull Up is for sure going to be one of my biggest summer tunes, it so so chilled out and I've had it on almost every morning to hype me up for the day ahead. If you want to listen to it then you can find it on khis Soundcloud which I have linked here!
Another Soundcloud artist/band that has been brought to my attention are The Kicks, especially their single Bones which is soooo good! It's the kind of rock that I was raised listening to or that you would find on Radio One's rock hour and I honestly as soon as I heard it I couldn't get over how insane it was. This is perfect from the music, to the lyrics and the vocals just everything about this gives me vibes of going to a tiny venue in a bar and drinking beer with friends. If you wanna find them, then again here is the link for their Soundcloud.
Felix Shepard, who is a nineteen year old indie singer songwriter with heavy influences from the likes of Matt Corby and Vampire Weekend which are two artists that I have a lot of love for, released his first single at the beginning of the month. The lyrics in the song hit home for me and really made me value his songwriting ability and got me looking forward to his EP which is coming out next month and will likely hold a place in April's Music Monthly.
If you've followed me on social media for a while you will know As It Is are one of my all time favourite bands, this month I booked a last minute ticket to see them live, travelled halfway across the country and got to the venue just as they came on stage. I sung and danced and moshed to my favourite band in a foreign country and it just reminded me how wonderful music is, that no matter where I am in the world there will always be people who appreciate it in the way that I do too. They played a few of their older songs from EPs like Blenheim Place and This Mind Of Mine and it made my heart so happy to have finally heard Often live, as well as to be able to scream along to Bitter, Broken Me one more time too. This band will always be one that so many of my happiest memories are associated with.
I also revisited No Phun Intended by Tyler Joseph which used to be one of my favourite albums in existence, as soon as Taken By Sleep started playing I genuinely felt as though I was sixteen again. It's crazy how many memories one band, one album or one song can hold and this is the album that seemed to do it for me.
After being raised on music by the Arctic Monkeys I have been hyping myself up for their return by listening to a heap of their old tunes, the fact that AM is so heavily influenced by Alex and Alexa Chung's relationship is one of my favourite things (Alexa is one of my biggest inspirations). Yet Suck It And See and Humbug are the albums that I have found myself scattering songs from throughout my playlists recently, Love Is A Laserquest being my fave track at the moment by far.
I've had the lyric 'turns out you don't give a fuck and all those words were all about you' stuck in my head for about two weeks. Knowing it was from an unreleased the 1975 song from when they were called Drive Like I Do I eventually went a little insane and spent an hour searching the internet for these goddamn lyrics, turns out they're from Kobra Kai Never Dies and it has been on a lot since that realisation.
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