Following on from my previous blog post in which I suggested several beauty gifts that you could get for your friends I thought it would be a good idea for me to create a post of ideas for those people who perhaps aren't too interested in beauty or just give further suggestions. This is going to be aimed at low budget again as I feel like a lot of people seemed to ask for that on twitter, if you want your say in anything blog related then be sure to follow me on there (@wwanderstruck).
One of the first things that I have thought of is one of the mindfulness colouring books, these are available to buy from about £3-£8 depending where you pick them up, I recommend Sainsburys as they are super cheap there and you can often get then in a deal. If you paired this up with a pack of fineliner pens it would look like such a thoughtful gift and you can actually pick up a pack of 10 for £5 in Sainsburys while you're at it! These books are such great quality and I've recently noticed that they've started to sell a Harry Potter themed one so if your friend is into that brand then it might be a cute idea to get them that one! WhSmith are also doing a deal where you can get a colouring book and fineliners for £14 so have a look around and have a think about which ones your friend would appreciate.
Another idea is that if they are a fan of a certain thing (whether it be a band or tv show) you could get them something that is related to the topic, for example I am getting one of my friends the new 5 Seconds of Summer album as she really likes the band and hasn't got it yet! If you didn't want to get a CD then there are websites such as etsy which sell such cute fanmade merch that is super cool and is usually pretty cheap to pick up.
Cute room decor is always an option too! New Look are the apple of my eye at the moment for this, I have spent way too much money on things that I arguably really don't need purely because they look super pretty! Something like a really pretty photoframe from there that has a photo of the two of you in paired with a candle looks like something that perhaps would have taken a lot of effort and in general looks really well put together. However, be careful with candles that you're actually getting a scent that they like as this could end up a little awkwardly, but it's not hard to find out about what scents they like!
Something that would be super lovely and would come across as so thoughtful is to find a really lovely mug and fill it with a collection of cute things. I recommend the Cath Kidston ones as they are about £5 and so big, such good value for money. A suggestion of things to put inside it could be hot chocolate sachets with a few mini marshmallows, some socks, nail polish, stationary, anything really!
That's it for this blog post, I hope these ideas helped you think of a few ideas for people!
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