It's All About The People

September 01, 2017

Recently I have had a lot of people tell me that I seem the happiest I have been in months, and I am putting it down to the vast amount of time that I have spent with the people I love, this year one of my resolutions was to try  my hardest to do so, and I feel as though this has genuinely helped to shape me and change my views on a lot of things. The past few months have been spent cutting out people who don't reciprocate the friendship that I offer them while also generally removing people who weren't helping me to develop as a person.

Right now, I have four people that I would call best friends. And when I was in year 7 the idea of only having four best friends was such a strange idea and something that scared me, why would you only want four friends when you could have twelve? The truth is, I don't even speak to any of the people that I was friends with back then. We all grew apart and grew up, realised our aspirations and goals and how different they were and moved on with our lives without being in each others lives. As sad as this is, I know that if I had clung onto these people neither of us would have been able to develop and reach out potential. These past few months everyone has noticed how much I’ve changed, how much I have thrown myself into spending time with people I love. 

Forcing yourself to be someone you aren't is going to stump your growth as a person, you aren't going to reach your full potential. If people don't like what your full potential entails then you don't need them in your life. It’s hard to let go of the people that you realise you don’t see yourself having in your future but you really need to be able to do it, in order to develop as a person and improve mentally. These people only end up dragging you down and making you feel like shit.

Once you've found the friends you know appreciate you it doesn’t matter how far away they are, or what they’re doing in their lives you know they will have your back. Those are the friendships and relationships that you need to cherish, they make everything worthwhile.

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