The Veggie Diaries: Installment One

September 04, 2017

Since turning eighteen I decided to make a change in my life, this being taking the leap of becoming a vegetarian. I was never someone who regularly ate meat as it was, I had been cutting back on the amount that I consumed for quite a while and so I saw it the perfect point in my life to cut it out all together. I come from a family that eats vast quantities of meat and so having to explain to them that I was cutting it out of my diet was a strange conversation but nonetheless they have been completely supportive of my decision.

While everyone obviously goes veggie for their own reasons I thought I would share a few of my personal reasons, and create a little series on my blog called ‘The Veggie Diaries’ (the name will probably change once I find a better one) and share my experiences, recipes and a heap more stuff. If this is something that interests you then welcome to The Veggie Diaries, if not then you obviously don’t have to read it!

A lot of peoples first reaction when I tell them that I have converted to being a vegetarian is ‘why?’ and I thought I would take the time to explain my motives, while perhaps opening some peoples eyes to the different reasons. My reasons are like a lot of peoples, it was a very moral based decision that was educated through documentaries, research and knowledge passed down by friends. However, I also discovered that red meat had started to make me immensely ill each time that I consumed it, leading me to vomit which is something that anyone within their right minds would want to avoid. 

By cutting out red meat and already eating hardly any meat as it was a friend of mine asked ‘why don't you just go vegetarian?’ to which I responded ‘it’s too hard, I can’t do it!’. But little did I realise how easy it really is to give up meat, it has been well over a month now and I haven't touched a single piece, and other than the occasionally craving for a bacon sandwich (which can easily be subsided with some grilled halloumi) I honestly don't have any desire to eat any meat. Not only this, but there are so many veggie substitutes and options for eating out (even Nando's does several veggie options on its menu) that it is easier than ever to become a vegetarian and still eat in public. 

So, after being proved wrong that these things are easily done as long as you have the willpower to not eat it  I began to explore options for eating out. My friends and I are self confessed Wetherspoons addicts - and my order was always the same however I couldn't really order a hot dog with my new lifestyle change - and so I decided to try their veggie burger. This veggie burger is my favourite that a lot of places offer, add a bit of mayo and a pitcher (or three) of sex on the beach and I'm sorted for the night.

By being vegetarian and not consuming meat I am able to proudly say that I am contributing much less to animal cruelty (I would say  I have completely stopped contributing but I haven't changed my lifestyle to cruelty free/vegan just yet), I am also stopping helping to contribute to global warming, deforestation, over kill, and many other issues that impact the world through the meat industry.

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