I want this post to be something that I can look back on in five years time and remember the feeling that I felt when I saw her for the first time, I want to be able to show people that internet friends are important and just as real as the people that are 'real life' friends. So for this to work I'm going to begin by explaining my friendship with Sammi.
The two of us started talking right at the beginning of the September of 2014, we had bonded over our mutual love for Sam King's videos and after she helped me to get a follow from him we spoke almost every day. This was through direct messages on Twitter, until we Skyped for the first time in the October where we stayed up talking for around eight hours, getting to know each other even more than we already did, our Skype sessions eventually changed to FaceTime sessions. Without a fail the two of us would have at least one FaceTime session every week, letting each other know how we were, what we had been up to and how much we hated the stress of school etc.
It's been like this for over a year and we have had so many opportunities to meet each other but for one reason or another we have always failed at doing so. Over this year we have become so close that I couldn't imagine life without her at the end of the phone, and so when she told me that one of our favourite bands, All Time Low, were performing at the Teen Awards we both realised that this was our opportunity to meet.
To start with I had planned to surprise her by saying that I didn't get tickets and then turning up but this all failed when I ended up with tickets and she didn't. We had a frantic panic to get her tickets and in the end we finally got her and her friends a set of tickets too, it was such an amazing feeling to think that we were actually going to meet and be able to see each other face to face!
But about four days before we met we encountered a problem, Sammi's tickets had been cancelled and she was left with train tickets booked to London and no concert tickets, it left us in this state of limbo as to what was going to happen. We didn't speak about it much until that day when she text me to let me know she had managed to get hold of some tickets, I was half asleep when I got the message and just replied with 'see you later' not really thinking about what I had just been told. I was officially meeting my best friend.
Eventually Sunday came around and me being me I got to the station well over an hour early and had to wait for my friend Jamie to arrive before I could head to Wembley, eventually after delays and cancellations we made it and headed straight to McDonalds because food is always a main priority in life. It was while we were in the queue that I got the phone call from Sammi to tell me she was off the tube and in Wembley too (insert overly excited squeal here), this is when it started to feel real for me.
Jamie and I headed to the arena while Sammi and her friends went to get their tickets, once they had got their tickets Sammi called me and I headed off to meet her, Jamie filmed the footage on my camera and Sammi's friends filmed it on her phone. As I headed down the stairs from where Jamie and I had been sat watching the red carpet I completely lost sight of Sammi until I heard her yell my name, which I responded to by running at her. You can see the footage of the two of us meeting here.
The fact that I was in her arms and she was in front of me was incredible, I was actually able to touch her and as weird as that sounds it was something that I had been wanting to do for so long. What hurt the most was when we had to say goodbye, not knowing when I was going to see her again hurt a lot, only being able to see her through a screen for however long it is going to be sucks, but it makes the time that we get to spend together super special.
I am so thankful for Sammi, and for Sam King being the reason that the two of us became friends, I couldn't imagine my life without the two of them.
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