
April 21, 2017

Caffeine: the caffeine never affected you but when it came to me i would still be up at three am writing you love letters. maybe the caffeine was a metaphor for our love.

Call: everyday i would call you as soon as i got home from school or work and we would talk until we fell asleep at night, how we had enough to talk about to constantly fill those hours for months on end is beyond me but i had never felt that comfortable around anyone. now seeing your name flash up on the caller id is a rarity, but it’s still nice nonetheless.

Careless: i’ve been looking for a word that describes the way you handled my heart for a while, i think this one works well.

Chain-smoke: i chain-smoke in the way i demand affection. sometimes not at all but more often than not lots of it, all at once. making me lightheaded and sane at the same time. even if just for a little while.

Channel: we could never decide on what to watch, like you could never decide what you wanted.

Child: ‘talking to you makes me feel like a kid’ was something you said once which i decided to take in the positive manner. maybe thats why you left in such an immature manner instead of acting like the 19 year old you are. 

Circles: every road lead back to you.

Communication: with a lack of communication theres not much anyone can achieve. we met our limit and felt the strain.

Complete: thats how i felt when i was with you.

Concerts: you always laughed at the amount of concerts i went to but when i told you why you stopped laughing. you understood and always asked how the show was, even if you didn't have a clue who the band i had been to see were.

Construction: i am still under construction, you set that back when you broke me. but one day i will be the strongest person i know. 

Controlling: i’m sorry you saw me this way.

Cold: your attempt at loving me was as cold as your hands that day we visited the seaside.

Crazy: you made me feel crazy for thinking you were talking to other girls. i guess you were just manipulating me.

Crying: i didn't cry when i found out, i didn't cry when you left, i still haven't properly cried. does this make me less of a human?

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