
May 01, 2017

Hamartia: you were my fatal flaw.

Had: past tense. i had you, now i no longer do. 

Hand: honestly, i don't think our hands ever fitted together properly. 

Happenstance: maybe it was just a coincidence that you were there at that place at that time on that day. or maybe the stars had aligned in order for this to happen.

Hardback: this is the hardback version of us.

Headquarters: your flat. your room. your bed. your car.

Heart: i built up so many walls to protect mine after my last heartbreak but you broke them all down, you saw me for who i was and i loved you. it might have taken me longer to say than you would have liked but i did love you. i still do love you. hopefully this will stop soon. i need to start building the walls back up to protect myself. 

Heartbreak: people say that when you experience heartbreak there are literal parts of the heart that break away. maybe that explains why i literally felt my heart break and stomach plummet in our final words. i wonder how long they take to heal.

Headstone: sometimes i find myself wondering what my headstone would say, who would leave flowers as i was in the ground. i find myself fantasising about death a bit too much more than i would like to admit. 

Hedonism: in my own pursuit i came across you, you worked. i guess.

Help: theres only so much helping that someone can grant another person, i went to you for help too many times. i let you realise how broken i was more than once. i guess you got tired of helping a sorry case like me.

Henna: people use henna ink as a way of testing out a permanent thing before getting something permanent on their skin later on. i guess this is how every relationship before the right one should be seen. trial. but i should also try not to appropriate any cultures while i'm at it. 

Hiatus: ‘we both know that a break does exactly what it says on the tin’ - dodie clark. we both knew that we weren't going to get back together after the mess we had made.

Historically: history has always stated that love is doomed in some way or another. i mean take a fucking look at romeo and juliet, they were just as doomed from the start as we had been.

Hoax: don't say a word, you might tell me you love me again.

Home: theres a blink-182 lyric that says ‘home is such a lonely place without you’. but what happens when you were my home? i am left stranded and alone, homeless without you.

Hold: what point did you put us on hold without telling me just to justify talking to these other girls? i never heard the waiting room music, i wasn't even aware we were until you used it to your defence.

Hopefully: one day i will be able to look back on life and think about the boy who broke my heart when i was sixteen years old and smile. one day that boy will have achieved his dreams and be creating music that everyone loves as much as i did at sixteen. one day i will be able to look back on life and think about the boy who broke my heart when i was seventeen years old and laugh. one day i will have realised my complete worth. one day i won’t settle.

Hostage: you held me hostage in my daydreams, all of them about you.

Human: i sometimes forgot you were human and saw you as one of those godlike figures from greek mythology. but you weren't percy jackson, nor were you any other form of god. you were human and your actions were a harsh reminder of that.

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