Kaleidoscope: you know those kids toys that you could look in and see the same thing multiple times in a distorted way? thats what my dreams look like at the moment, they are just replaying back parts of us that i had forgotten existed in distorted, rose tinted ways.
Karaoke: i couldn't sing for the life of me, you could hold a tune but that was about it for the both of us. it didn't stop us screaming along to the songs that we loved as we drove around, if anything it made it even funner.
Karma: what horrific things have i done in the past to be treated the way i was by you? when will you reap your comeuppance for what you did to me?
Keep: there’s a box in my room full of tickets and letters from people, there's another full of cards that people have written to me at christmas and on birthdays. there is a wall in my room thats covered in photographic memories. everything that those i love have given me has a place in the mess of my room, but you never gave me anything and so i have nothing to remember you by. thank you for not giving me anything to cling onto, it is making saying goodbye easier.
Keys: i had a massive keyring on my keys to make sure i didn't lose them like i always used to, you always laughed at it but i didn't care because i liked it.
Kick: i would kick you in the face if my legs were long enough.
Kid: sometimes i watch children in coffee shops with their parents and wonder at what point they are going to realise the harsh reality of this world that has been created for us. i wonder when they're going to lose their innocence and love for life, i pray that they never do. i wonder when i lost my innocence and love for life.
Kingdom: i’m building a world for myself without you in it and it’s already become so much bigger than the den i would build out of your bed sheets.
Kiss: you were my first ‘proper’ kiss. sorry if i didn't do it right, i was incredibly drunk and even more nervous.
Kit: first aid kits don't seem to contain the things that you need to repair a broken heart; that’s why i’ve begun to build my own first aid kit, to help myself get through the crap that you threw at me.
contents: a hip flask of vodka (not too much, you don't want to make any drunk phone calls), a packet of cigarettes (for when you need to get rid of the stress they bring you), a phone book with my closest friends numbers in (don’t turn away the support they offer you, spend time with yourself), a good book (the perks of being a wallflower works well), chocolate (comfort food is key).
Kite: to get to your house i would cut through the park, one day i saw a kid flying a kite with his father. the innocence and love on the child's face as he watched the kite take flight was magical. it reminded me that not everything in the world is as bad as i think.
Kiwi: ‘did you know there are green kiwis and golden kiwis?’
‘wait, what?’
‘yeah, they do two different types. what’s your favourite?’
‘i mean, you're my favourite type of kiwi.’
Knees: i would get on my knees in a church and pray for you if i knew it would make any difference in you coming back to me.
Knew: i knew all along what you were like and what you did with your last girlfriend, i honestly don't know why i even thought i would be different. a cheat never changes.
Knife: why am i still blaming myself for walking into the knife you were holding? why were you even holding a knife out to me in the first place?
Knit: maybe i should take up a new hobby to kill the time that i would have spent with you, i wonder if knitting would be good.
Knuckles: they were always battered for some reason, as though you had punched a hole through your bedroom wall in a state of angst.
Koala: i used to cling to you and claim i was a koala and that i was never going to let go. you would laugh and roll over so i ended up beneath you and kiss me until i set you free. it was when i had to set myself free that i realised how hard it was to let go without any incentive other than knowing it was what was best for me.
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