Lamp: at first i didn't realise how the bright light from the street lamps shone down and perfectly illuminated your eyes, i didn't appreciate how you felt in my arms. and goddamn i tried so hard to ignore the butterflies that erupted in the pit of my stomach each time our hands touched, but just because i ignored them didn't mean that they weren't there. if anything they worked harder than ever to get my attention and make me realise how i felt. all because of that night under the street lamp.
Landslide: the moment one thing started falling apart the rest of my life followed in a landslide, i think you're somewhere down in the pile of rubble that was created.
Language: sometimes it felt as if i must have been speaking a different language because each time i told you i loved you there was no reaction.
Last: life is about as full of last times as much as it is full of first times, last breaths, last kisses, last words. but you can’t prepare for lasts in the way that you can prepare for firsts, more often than not they will come creeping up on you and be the things that break you the most. despite feeling as though it might have been i was never fully sure that our last kiss would be our last - if i had fully known i would have made it mean something.
Latch: i’ve been sleeping with the door on the latch and my windows open just incase you decide to come home but it’s getting harder to sleep in this cold bed alone, i think it’s time for me to finally start closing you out.
Laugh: i hate to be bitter but the thought of you laughing at the jokes of a girl that isn't me makes me feel sick.
Left: i wish you had started sleeping on your left side more.
Lemons: you made me turn so bitter and cynical about romance in the wake of you leaving, when life handed me lemons i seemed to pour them over myself instead of making lemonade.
Letters: i kept all the letters you wrote me, sometimes i like to read them back and remember the time when you played a prominent part within my life.
Lilac: this is my favourite colour incase you ever wondered, you never really seemed to ask me those kind of questions though.
Link: relationships are much like chain link fences, once one part is broken and severed a hole appears. the more trust that is lost within the relationship the more holes are created in this fence. eventually the fence becomes useless at holding people out, or keeping them in. the same goes for relationships that were as harshly flawed as ours.
Litter: there were parts of me scattered all over your room, from used makeup wipes to my clothes. sometimes i wonder who's cleaning your room now that i’m not there to do it.
Loophole: it takes a genius to find a loophole within contracts, but it also takes someone who is desperate to leave the situation to even begin to search for one. were you really that desperate?
Love: i’m unsure about a lot of things a lot of the time but i was never so sure of anything than when it came to the way i felt about you.
Love-Bite: maybe this is cupid biting me back for all the love bites i left on you.
Lows: eventually you caused me more lows than highs, that’s when i realised i should probably leave you. that way i could create my own highs.
Lullaby: your voice speaking to me over facetime as i fell asleep was a much better lullaby than any that my mother had ever sung to me in my childhood.
Lust: there’s a difference between love and lust, maybe you should learn it before the next time you decide to tell someone that you love them.
Lynch: people who committed crimes used to be publicly hung for their offences, but i didn't do anything wrong so why are you publicly humiliating and assaulting me?
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