Quarrel: we bickered like children over the stupidest of things, we both knew we were only joking but everyone always got so stressed out by our petty arguments.
Queen: treat me like i am everything to you or
don't have me at all.
Questions: i have so many things that i would ask you
if i could, these questions are eating me alive. maybe you could answer them
someday but i think its best if i keep them to myself for now, i’m much too fragile
to deal with the truth at this point in time.
Quick-fire: the words from your mouth were like
bullets in the middle of a showdown. except i had long since run out of bullets
and you had somehow got a constant supply. each of your words were knocking me
Quiet: you went quiet a lot, that was your
introverted side coming out. i learnt to accept that. but there were times when
you went quiet that i needed you more than ever, i will never forgive you for
leaving me to sob on my bathroom floor the night i tried to kill myself as you
carried on talking to those other girls.
Quote: when i was younger i decided to fill a
whole notebook with ‘cool’ quotes that had found and liked, i thought i was so
edgy when i put in the famous quote from the perks of being a wallflower.
reading it back now i guess it is true, we really do accept the love we think
we deserve.
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