Sad: honestly, this word doesn't describe how i felt when you left me. there are no words in the dictionary that could describe that. but it does describe how i feel looking back on us now, a year is a good healer.
Sand: once an idea plants itself in your mind it
takes more effort than you would like to admit to even begin remove it from its
root. it’s the same with sand grains in between your toes, you will be finding
them in your bed for weeks on end after one trip to the beach.
Scared: the thought of a life without you in used
to terrify me, and now it has become my reality. i am so scared to wake up in
the morning and be met with the harsh reminder that you won't be there.
Scratches: i didn't leave those on your back; i
hadn't slept with you in two weeks. i stayed up until 4am while you slept
soundly beside me as i was trying to work out why you'd acted like this, who
you had gone to, and why i wasn't good enough; yet i still failed to
Seaside: you got annoyed when i told you i was
going to the seaside with my friends instead of you. it’s not my fault i
couldn't come out for your two am trips unless i was already with you.
Secrets: even though we’ve parted ways i will never
tell anyone else the things you told me when we were together, i respect you
enough for that to stay true. i hope this is the same with you.
Seventeen: i am only seventeen; i have so much more
to learn than i would like to think. it turned out that you were a lesson in
the form of my second heartbreak.
Shakespeare: you never did understand my love for him
and his writing, you thought a dead man’s plays were as dead as him, useless
and unneeded in todays society. but i lived for them.
‘these violent
delights have violent ends’ - i should have listened to him more than i
listened to you.
Sheltered: i lived a sheltered childhood, my parents
were always honest with me when i asked questions but for the most part i was
sheltered and hidden from the harsh reality of the world. it is only recently
that i am becoming angry about this, i know they did it out of the good of
their own hearts but perhaps i wouldn't have been so naive had i not been as
sheltered as i was.
Side: i was drunk and in your room for the first
time as you told me that the left side was ‘your side’ of the bed, yet as you
saw my sulking face start to appear you quickly offered the left side to me. i
didn't want it, i just wanted to be awkward and annoying.
Skip: i skipped
so many classes and days of school just to be able to lay in bed and watch
Harry Potter with you.
Sleep: it’s overrated to do on your own once
you've got a taste of doing it with someone.
Smile: every time you smiled a little too wide,
or laughed a little too loud, you would tilt your head back and bite your lip.
you didn't think i noticed to begin with but when i pointed it out as one of
the things i loved about you as a person you realised how much attention i paid
to the minute details of things.
Smoke: people used to use smoke as a way of
sending signals to other people. i guess as i started smoking more i was trying
to send you a signal that i was breaking. all you did was feed that addiction
in the end.
Somebody: everyone says that i will end up finding
happiness with somebody else but i don't think i want to find somebody else. i
guess you're happier with her though and when all i ever wanted was for you to
be happy i guess i should be glad one of us is.
Soap: sometimes i debate washing out my mouth to
remove the taste of you from me.
Sorry: maybe if i say it enough times you will
come back to me.
Speed-dial: i don't even use it but i know you're
supposed to have the people you care about on it, thats why you were on mine. i
finally took you off of it today.
Stay: you always said you wanted me to stay at
yours forever, i would always tell you i can never promise you forever. but as
much as forever as was possible.
Stop: when did you stop loving me? when did i
stop being enough for you?
Strength: it took everything i had to walk away. it
takes everything i have not to call you and tell you i still love you. i didn't
know my own strength until i left you.
Stone: my hearts tuning to stone, i'm forgetting
what it feels like to give love and be loved.
Succeed: somehow you succeeded at making me feel
like i was guilty for the way you had treated me, as though i was the one who
had lead you to act in the way that you did. maybe you should learn to own up
to your actions for once in your goddamn life.
Sunlight: i loved you more than the first ray of
sunlight over the ocean in the morning, i loved you more than the wind blowing
between the pine trees.
Sure: i never say anything unless i am sure of
it, that’s why it took me so long to tell you i loved you. that’s why i never
confronted you about the other girls, i had convinced myself so strongly that
it wasn't the truth that even i began to become unsure.
Surreal: i’m still struggling to get to grips of
the concept of a life without you in.
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