Wake: after funerals people attend the wake to comfort each other on the loss of the person, but i’m the only one who lost you that day and so as i stood alone in the room i realised that i was the only one who was going to be able to fix my heart.
Wait: i would have waited a thousand years, lived a hundred different lives if it meant i would have ended up with you in my life again.
Walk: as a child learning to walk is one of the biggest difficulties, people cant just point at you and tell you to walk. you have no idea how it works, how your legs are supposed to move and cant support yourself to even stand up properly. it’s one of those things that nobody seems to be able to teach you, you have to teach yourself. that’s the way it works with heartbreak too, you can have as much support as humanly possible but without you working hard to change yourself there is no way it can happen.
Wallpaper: there was always that photo of us smiling as your phone wallpaper, the day i discovered it wasn't your wallpaper anymore was the day i realised you didn't love me anymore.
Wanderer: i went wandering from person to person until i found you, but you carried on wandering. i wasn't meant for you in the way you were for me.
Wanderlust: you were there in all of my travel plans, now you're missing from them. it looks like i'm going to see the world on my own.
Want: you were all i wanted for months on end, when i had you everything felt like it had completely fallen into place.
Weakness: you were mine.
Week: i could have spent all week with you but the moment you dropped me home i would have immediately missed you. how is it that the more time i spent with you the more i ended up missing you?
Weapon: your tongue seemed to be your best one.
Wear: it was strange to fall asleep in shirts that weren't yours, i got used to it eventually though.
Weary: at this point i am more emotionally and physically exhausted than anything else.
Wise: people keep telling me that i’m wise beyond my years, i guess when you get treated like shit by those you love you end up learning a few inevitable life lessons before it was planned for you to learn them.
Wish: 11:11 is the stereotypical time that people seem to make their deepest wishes. i used to wish for you more than i would like to admit, the wish was the same for nearly a year. but now all i can wish for is happiness, something that i need to find without you in my life.
Witness: i couldn't believe that i was watching the person i loved so much turn into someone that i no longer wanted anything to do with.
Wonder: no matter what terms i leave someone on, i always find myself cheering them on from the sidelines. wondering how they're doing and hoping they’re making something of themselves. praying that they've moved on from the person that they've embedded themselves as within my memory - people grow and change and i hope those that i used to care about have changed as much as i have since we parted ways.
Wonder (2.0): do you think of me too?
Words: i am slowly running out of similes and metaphors to describe the state you left me in.
Worse: stop telling me that other people have it worse off, i know they do. but this is the worst possible situation for me at this point in my life and the moment you begin to belittle my struggles is the moment i stop talking about them and turning to the unhealthy coping mechanisms that i have picked up.
Worship: i think i might start going to church again. i will try not to pray for you, but simply happiness. i hope that the lords plan will at least bring me that.
Writing: it was in 500 days of summer that i learnt the best way to get over someone is to write and so this is what i have been doing. every memory that i write down has been resurrected and then set in stone within my writing. i am slowly finding peace. it is going to take more than writing to do this though. but at least this keeps me distracted and stops me still desperately messaging you at 3am.
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