Y:ear (X, Y & Z)

May 23, 2017


X: the twenty fourth letter of the alphabet, the letter you put at the end of messages to show affection. the thing that i never seem to send unless i'm petty or angry, watch out for my kisses. they're bullets in disguise.

XL: that xl hoodie i always stole was a home for me, it smelt like you and feel as though you were hugging me even when your physical presence was lacking.

X-Ray: i wonder if one of those would be able to show a broken heart in the way they so clearly show broken bones. i wonder how healed mine would be by now.


Yank: i wish i could yank you out of all of my memories in my desperate attempt to erase you from my mind. was it easy for you to do it with me?

Year: it’s a long time, long enough to reinvent myself as a person and come closer to being the person i’m meant to be. a long enough time to stop myself waking up and expecting you to be beside me.

Yell: i wanted to scream at you so loudly for everything you had done, but i couldn't even muster up a single syllable.

Yes: i should have just said yes to you one of those times.

Yesterday: you were in my life, you were still claiming to be in love with me. today you're gone and i would trade every possible tomorrow i hold to be able to relive just one yesterday with you.

Yield: you made me give up all the secrets my heart had kept locked up for so long.

You: there are novels i could write about you, i still have every part of you memorised. from the crook of your neck to the way that you look when you sleep. there are novels worth of messages that we have sent each other, there are messages that i wish i had sent and never did and i bet it’s the same for you too. 

Young: i was younger than you and yet i still somehow acted in the most mature manner out of the two of us. 

Yours: you left enough marks on me to claim me as yours for eternity. but it turns out you didn't want me for eternity.


Zigzag: i got tired of running in strange patterns to attempt to meet your every word, walking straight out of your life was the best decision for me in the end.

Zealot: we both had our ideas about what we wanted from each other but we had spent so long fascinating about them that when it became time to try and match them up there was nothing that worked properly anymore.

Zero: there’s that song from the Disney version of Hercules called Zero to Hero, for me it’s more like you went from Hero to Zero.

Zeus: i’ve said it before but i need to remember that everyone is human, nobody is an all powerful greek god.

Zip: the one on your hoodie was broken since the day i stole it, but i still tried to do it up when the cold struck me despite knowing that it wouldn't work. i guess thats how i act in relationships, i can see they're broken but i keep desperately trying to keep it together anyway.

Zodiac: at what point in my life will i learn my lesson about how bad aries boys are for me.

Zoom: i would zoom in purely on you because of all the things i could take photos of, you were the one i wanted to capture and keep forever.

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