Today I turn nineteen, for the past two years I have written a post on the year of my life explaining lessons I have learnt and things that shaped me. This year is no different, here is a post for the year I turn nineteen.
1) Distance means nothing when a person means so much, you can live in another country and still have some of the strongest friendships and relationships with people an ocean away from you. The key is communication, this is vital.
2) When you work out what you want to do with your life don’t let people tell you that it isn’t possible. Don’t even give them the time of day, just use their doubt to fuel your passion, to be able to turn around and say, ‘but look, I can and I am’.
3) Closure doesn’t happen over night, and nobody but you knows what will allow you to close the chapter in your life that has been haunting you. Sometimes closure takes longer than you would realise to happen, this is okay. You will use the lessons you have learnt from everything that happened to better yourself.
4) There is nothing like homemade food and a glass of wine after a long week.
5) I am my own, I am my home and I am my own light. Everything I need to get me through this life I have within me, every ounce of courage I may need is here. I can move mountains if I want to, but I can also much more simply find peace within myself and stop searching for acceptance from everyone else.
6) Words are powerful, they can shape and heal or shatter and break. It is vital that we chose them wisely, as a writer and a person this is something I believe more than anything.
7) Fucking hell remember to drink water, you literally can’t function without it and your body, mindset and skin will thank you for it. Trust me. Also eat your fruit and veg, make sure you get your five a day. Your body will thank you for that too.
8) Stop comparing yourself to others, you are on your own path to success in your own life. Nobody is destined to achieve things at the same time just keep working hard on what you want to do and remember that you are going to succeed if you do this.
9) There is no shame in texting someone first, stop being so stubborn and reach out to your friends first. The same goes for business, there is literally no harm in emailing companies, bands and pr people asking for work and even if you get rejected this is still a way of getting your name out there.
10) So much of your life has been spent living in the past, wondering what could have happened had things panned out differently. Beginning to accept that you can’t change your past but you can work on changing your future into something you want is so bloody important.
11) It’s important to take breaks and not overwork yourself, nobody will know if you went to bed at 11pm instead of staying up until 3am to finish work. Chances are you are more awake and vigilant if you sleep and work in the morning.
12) Exercise in the morning whether this is yoga going for a run or cycling, getting your body moving will wake you up and get the endorphins in your body going to have a productive day.
13) Read, always read. Take a book on the train with you and sit and have down time instead of being glued to technology at all times, there are worlds beyond this one and all you have to do is turn a page.
14) Just because you have acne prone skin doesn’t mean you have to hide. I used to refuse to go out because of my acne reaching the point it had damaged my self esteem, I used to refuse to even go to work without wearing a full face because that way my spots would be covered. Let it breathe when it is bad, drink water, keep up your skin care routine (and if you don’t have one for the love of god at least moisturise and wash your face morning and night).
15) Never go anywhere without a lighter and headphones, you would be surprised how handy these two things are when you have them at all times.
16) Cities are were I belong, exploring new places and taking photos is what I love more than anything. You can live your whole life in a city and never see the whole of it; explore regularly; get off trams at a stop different to your usual one and explore the place you have ended up. If all else fails Google maps will be on your side and get you back to your starting point.
17) Say yes to those plans you think you are far too busy for. Chances are you aren’t and having a busy schedule will leave you feeling much more motivated than if you are working all the time. You are never too busy for friends and family.
18) Following on from my last point, people die all the time and this past year I’ve lost far too many people. Cherish and appreciate the time you have with people because you never know when it is going to be over - even if that hurts to admit. Spend days with your grandparents, laugh as they tell you the same story you have heard a dozen times before. Make memories while you can, you won’t regret the time you spent with them but you sure as hell will find yourself regretting the times you didn’t spend with them.
19) You’ll be ok, you made it through all the shit before and this isn’t going to be any different. A year can change a lot, you will end up looking back on everything you are going through right now as a reminder that life moves on and things change.
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